Wednesday Night Connect

6:30-7:45 p.m. starting September 6

New name, new times, same great activities for all ages…

This semester, we will not be offering a meal on Wednesday nights, so we’re bumping up the start time to help kids and families get home earlier. We have activities for nursery, preschool, First Kids (grades K-3), END Zone (grades 4-6), Youth (grades 7-12), and adults. Our activities for adults include:

Adult Choir

English Conversation Hour

Beginning October 25 - The Spirit Empowered Life: Removing Roadblocks to Walking in the Power of the Spirit with Pastor Blossom Matthews

Even the most devoted follower of Jesus can feel uncertain regarding their ability to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit in everyday life. God is ready and willing to guide us, speak to us, and work through us, but we often have questions and fears that hold us back from trusting God to come through on His promises. 
This 7-week study focuses on removing common barriers to living the supernatural life that Jesus and the early Christians modeled (and that God promises in Scripture).

Loving Our Kids to Jesus: Conversations for Parents, Grandparents, & Guardians with Pastor Blossom Matthews

Parenting is hard. Families today are stretched in multiple directions as they struggle to stay connected with each other and grounded in their faith. “Loving Our Kids to Jesus” is a 6-week class that supports families in taking practical steps to make their home a sanctuary in which adults, children, and teens grow in their faith together. This class concludes October 18.

Stories of Abraham: Genesis 12-25 with Pastor Nick Matthews

Pastor Nick will be teaching a new Bible Study on the Father of our faith – Abraham. Come and join us for this in depth look at Genesis 12-25. This class concludes October 18.

RSVP to let us know you’re coming!

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