Spring Daytime Bible Study

Tuesday, 1/14/25 at 9:30am

About the Event

All Church

Lindy Thomas will lead a 6-week Bible study on Ruth beginning Tuesday, January 14th. Set in the midst of one of the most corrupt eras of Israelite history, Ruth is a story about three compelling characters. Naomi is an elderly widow who has lot everything and returns to her homeland empty and bitter hoping simply to survive. Ruth is Naomi's young daughter-in-law, also a widow, and a foreigner, who at great personal cost refuses to let Naomi face the future alone. Boaz is the local patriarch-a man of wealth and influence who in this epic tale is given the opportunity to do the right thing, even though the right thing might not be the obvious thing.

In The Epic of Eden: Ruth, Dr. Sandra Richter makes each of these characters come alive. Participants in this study - young and old, men and women, churched and unchurched-will be challenged as they see themselves in these characters and find themselves faced with many of the same questions and challenges. Here is real life, lived out by real people with real fears, real struggles, real hope, and real faith. Purchase a book through the church for $15.
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